i-howard-marshallThe New Testament world lost a giant when I. Howard Marshall died on Saturday, December 12, 2015. Immediately, testimonies began popping up all over the web about ways Marshall had influenced men and women in the classroom and out of it. Since I never met Dr. Marshall but have appreciated his work, I thought I could join the tribute train by collating the testimonies of others into one place. If you have any more, please comment below so I can add them to the post. 

Below I only wanted to collate the aspects of the tributes to Marshall that relate to his faith, Christian life, and character, since most of the tributes note his academic achievements. For reference, here are many of his books he has authored or edited, to which you could add a plethora of articles.

Obviously, he was prolific, but he was also a careful exegete, an able theologian, and devoted to the Scriptures. Here’s what various scholars who knew Marshall had to say about his character and faith.

If you saw him on the street, you would have no idea that here was a person who would impact biblical studies for decades. What you saw was a believer who cared about people so much that his study showed his care. Yes, Howard Marshall was a great biblical and New Testament scholar who could tell you more about Jesus than most, but as a person he was what the Lord calls us all to be, a person who loved God and his neighbor—not just teaching about that connection but showing it.  —Darrell Bock

Space fails me to comment on Marshall’s wit, his gracious investment in others, and his cooking skills. I will close by mentioning the thing which struck me most about him—his deep, genuine humility. I was inspired by his knowledge, pushed by his work ethic, encouraged by his friendliness and hospitality, but I was deeply challenged and convicted by his humility. —Ray van Neste

I had the privilege of knowing Professor Marshall for nearly thirty years, … Professor Marshall represents, I believe, the kind of evangelical scholar that many of us hope to emulate but usually fall far short of achieving. By this I mean that he was clear in his fundamental convictions, devoted to the text as God’s word, and not concerned to fulfill the agenda of others. I, and evangelicalism as a whole, will greatly miss Professor Marshall. —Stanley Porter

This is sad news. I’m grateful for Howard Marshall’s life and legacy. What a humble and godly man, dedicated to Christ and the gospel. —Roy Ciampa

…[H]is scholarship was combined with a genuine and heartfelt piety, love for God, and love for others. He was such a kind and gentle soul, he epitomized the notion of a good Christian gentleman. Howard Marshall was the kind of man who watched his life and doctrine closely (1 Tim 4.16) and we can learn not only from his scholarship but from his example. I insist that my PhD students read Carl Trueman, “Interview with Professor Howard Marshall,” Themelios 26 (2002): 48-53, which has some great nuggets of advice for young players from Howard. —Michael Bird

Here's what scholars who knew I. Howard Marshall had to say about his character and faith. Click To Tweet

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