We had an unofficial contest on our Facebook page and weekly Greek email. We asked everyone to summarize the Bible in one sentence, and we got some great responses. Here they all are, along with our pick for the best answer. Look for further contests, as we recently acquired some great Greek resources at a used book sale to give away to you all!

Stuart Guild: Jesus fulfills all God’s promises in the OT by proclaiming and inaugurating the kingdom of God through a new covenant.

Garrett Walden: The Bible is the true myth of the one true God who gave his only Son to redeem his broken people, giving them his Spirit so that they might live rightly before him in true community.

Scott Long: It is the collected works of God which demonstrate both His love and requirements for us and our privileges and responsibilities toward Him.

Matthew Wicks: The Lamb who was slain is worthy of all blessing, honour, glory and power because as God the Son He humbled Himself to bear the curse of human sin in His own body on the tree and was raised from the dead to justify, sanctify and glorify the chosen ones of the eternal Father, thus fulfilling all of scripture’s promised spiritual blessings and bringing a new age not under the law but under the person of the Holy Spirit Who indwells those that have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul Quiram: The Bible is God’s word explaining Himself, and our relationship to Him: creation, separation, and the redemption of His people for His ultimate glory.

Cris Dickason: While prior to man’s rebellion, God had created all things good, and for his glory, he has now worked redemption and reconciliation through the Son, is applying it by the Spirit, and will consumate that work in the Son’s return.

Cris Dickason #2: One Lord to rule them all, One Spirit to find them, One Father to bring them all, and in the Glory bind them!

Chad Dukes: The true story of creation, loss, and redemption through the sacrifice of the Son for the purpose of demonstrating the glory of God in the resurrection of the Son and the salvation of man.

The Winner

Allen Bradberry: It is the story of creation, subsequent fall, and final restoration of fallen humanity that God accomplishes through the death, resurrection, and return of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bradberry fit in the 3 chapters of the Bible (creation, fall, restoration) and the climactic “mid-point” of the cross and resurrection, and he didn’t use a run-on! Congratulations to Allen for giving the best summary of the Bible, and thanks all for playing!

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