One Life by Scot McKnight, $2.99; Know the Councils and Creeds, by Justin Holcomb, $2.99; The Gospel at Work: How Working for King Jesus Gives Purpose and Meaning to Our Jobs, by Traeger and Gilbert, $2.99; The God I Don’t Understand, by Christopher Wright, $2.99; The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission, by John Dickson, $2.99; The Unbelievable Gospel, by Jonathan Dobson, $2.99; How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens, by Michael Williams, $2.99; Reading Romans in Context: Paul and Second Temple Judaism, $4.99

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David Taylor reviewed our Grounded in the Faith and said, “”I enjoyed the book, which I believe is a good resource for new believers….In summary, Grounded in the Faith is a succinct, manageable, and practical resource for new believers and those who have never before grounded themselves in the faith.”


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