Each year many of us start afresh on our Bible reading plans. Sometimes we choose a new one and sometimes we choose the excitement of a new plan. There are lots of different plans, and each one has its benefits and drawbacks.

But one of the challenges to a plan that goes through the entire Bible is that the Old Testament is so foreign and inaccessible to those without formal theological training (and even then, of course, who has the Old Testament mastered?). This problem becomes especially discouraging when you hit Leviticus and it begins describing in repetitive detail the various kinds of sacrifices, the purity laws, and the priestly rituals. Many a devoted Christian has given up their reading plan because they got stuck at Leviticus.

So how can you make it through the Old Testament while understanding God’s word and connecting with him through it?

The first time I read through the Bible I used a full-Bible commentary alongside my Bible reading to help me understand the bigger picture and the cultural milieu of the Israelites. It was encouraging to be growing exponentially in my understanding of the Bible and especially of the Old Testament. While that resource was helpful, I now know of a plethora of other similar resources that are even more helpful.

One new and exciting resource is The Story: The Bible’s Grand Narrative of Redemption

The Story was written with the conviction that the Bible is not a random collection of writings, but one unified story of God’s redemption. That is why it’s called The Story, because that’s what the Bible is. It contains 365 devotions that walks through Scripture, putting God’s plan on display. The idea is that you read the Scriptural readings assigned for the day in the book and then read the accompanying one-page devotional.

Your likely time investment would be 5-15 minutes of reading Scripture and 2 minutes reading the devotional. And if you’re newer to the Old Testament and to the grand sweep of God’s redemptive history, Nielson helps you along with his devotionals.

Don't get stuck at Leviticus on your new Bible reading plan Click To Tweet

To get you started, P&R is providing the first 30 days of The Story – a tour through the book of Genesis – for Free. Sign up below and beginning January 1st you’ll receive a new devotion from The Story each day – but remember – PLEASE read along with your Bible.

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If you want to go ahead and buy the entire book now to have it ready for January, you can preview or buy it here in paperback or on Kindle.


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