New Testament

Articles on Martin Hengel’s Life and Work

I found this paragraph in a post by Wayne Coppins: For further reflections on Martin Hengel’s life and work, see esp. my translation of his essay “A Young Theological Discipline in Crisis” in Earliest Christian History (cf. e.g., Larry Hurtado 1 and Michael Bird) and Roland Deines’ heavily documented essay in this same volume. See also e.g. Roland Deines, John Dickson, Larry Hurtado 2, David Neff, Daniel B. Wallace, and The Telegraph. Check these out, especially the ones with personal stories about students and professors dining with Hengel at his home, which I…

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D. Wallace’s Plan for Reading Gk. NT in 1 Year

Daniel Wallace has provided students a 1 year plan for reading through the Greek NT in 1 year. He orders the reading plan from easiest (John) to most difficult (Hebrews) and recommends reading three chapters a day, one being a new chapter and the other two being review (see his longer explanation). He has grouped them in segments of 6-10 chapters, so that if you tackled one segment a day you would finish the entire plan in a month, a…

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Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures, by Herman N. Ridderbos

This book is a classic and deserves to be read still today for the topics of canon, apostleship, authority, and redemptive history. Ridderbos, writing during a time dominated by existentialist interpretation, subjectivist hermeneutics, and canonical turmoil sought to establish a connection between the NT Scriptures and redemptive history. General historical investigation….

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