
Linguistics and the New Testament: Critical Junctures, eds. Stanley Porter and D. A. Carson

T&T Clark is reissuing several studies from the JSNTSS series in their Library of New Testament Studies series. Many of these are valuable sets of essay, including the present volume, which contains papers that apply modern linguistic methods to the analysis of the New Testament. As in most sets of essays, some are more useful than others, but the volume gives a good sampling of what modern linguistics has to offer biblical scholars….

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Recent Trends in Discourse Analysis in Biblical Studies

In Constantine Campbell’s latest book, Advances in the Study of Greek: New Insights for Reading the New Testament, he summarizes in two chapters the use of discourse analysis by New Testament scholars over the past few decades. A summary of these chapters and some evaluative comments might be helpful for those interested in discourse analysis….

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Paul and Pseudepigraphy, ed. Porter and Fewster

I just finished up my review of Paul and Pseudepigraphy (PAST 8). This volume wasn’t quite what I expected. As the editors note, the book is not comprehensive, nor does it solve any issues conclusively. The first section deals with critical/methodological issues, the second deals with debated Pauline letters, and the third with non-canonical pseudepigraphy to focus on reception history rather than authenticity. I was looking for a work that would give a lot of history of research and essays on…

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