
Greek Matters | Is That in the Greek?

“Keep your Bibles open. My job is to preach the text; your job is to make sure what I’m saying is really there,” my pastor said to begin his Easter morning sermon. Liam was appropriately preaching out of John 20, so I slipped out my Greek New Testament and tried to follow along in it. In doing so…

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Tony Merida on Christ-Centered Preaching

Sure. I have a broader definition of expository preaching than some. I define it as Word-driven preaching. It’s saying what God has said in His Word, and declaring what God has done in His Son, and applying that message to the hearts of people. So, I’m more concerned with essence (Word-driven) than form (i.e., book study, how you outline the text, etc). One could preach through a book, or one could preach a few sermons in a book, or one could even do a “topositional sermon” in order to explain a particular doctrine….

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Word-Driven Discipleship through Christ-Centered Preaching

What is the best long-term strategy for discipling your congregation? Glitzy programs? Seeker-friendly services? One-on-one weekly meetings? I could go on, and many of these have their advantages. But when we think about a solid, sustainable, and long-term strategy for discipleship, the most central plan is word-driven discipleship through Christ-centered preaching. Many preaching books focus on different aspects of preaching. Bryan Chapell’s Christ-Centered Preaching is a step-by-step guide to preparing a sermon that includes a gospel message, no matter what passage you’re preaching…

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A Comprehensive Guide to the Language, Meaning, Theology, and Homiletics of Malachi

Want to refresh and improve your Hebrew while studying an OT prophet closely? I’m always on the lookout for resources that help you naturally improve your biblical language skills. I love some of the NT Greek guides that are being published, and the Baylor Handbooks on the Hebrew Old Testament are helpful as well. However, they are not intended to be commentaries on the meaning of the text, nor do they deal with theology. Malachi Then and Now Allen P. Ross has…

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Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism, by Tim Keller

I first encountered Tim Keller in a recorded class that was put on iTunesU by WTS. It was called Preaching Christ in a Post-Modern Age. If you’re still able to find the class, it’s a great set of lectures. Ed Clowney confuses you (in a good way) by preaching parts of the OT climaxing in the cross (how did he do that?!) while Keller brings the practical advice on communicating to post-moderns. Keller’s experience from living in New York and intentionally mingling with non-Christians to understand them and better communicate to them is invaluable….

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His Mission: Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, ed. D. A. Carson & Kathleen Nielson

This new work is a truly pleasure to read and an excellent source of pastoral exposition and application of Luke’s Gospel. Contributors include John Piper on Luke 1-2, Colin Smith on the sermon at Nazareth (Luke 4:14-30), Crawford Loritts on Jesus’ power toward the afflicted (Luke 8:26-56), D. A. Carson on Jesus’ resolve to head toward Jerusalem (9:18-62), Kevin DeYoung on Jesus’ mission to save the lost (Luke 15:1-32), Steven Um on Jesus and money (16:1-15), Gary Millar on Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion (22:39-23:49), and Tim Keller on Jesus’ vindication in Luke 24….

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