
Portrait of an Apostle: A Case for Paul’s Authorship of Colossians and Ephesians, by Gregory S. MaGee

If Colossians, Ephesians, or both are pseupigraphal writings, how would we know? There is one objective, historical test to which we might subject the documents. There are documents that are unanimously agreed to be Pauline pseudepigraphs, namely, Epistle to the Loadiceans (Ep. Lao.) and Third Corinthians (3 Cor.). An objective, historical test would be to compare the language and ideas of these two known pseudepigraphs….

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Measuring Style Shift in Paul’s Writings

From the volume Paul and Pseudepigraphy (PAST 8) (which I briefly summarize and evaluate here), one essay stood out as particularly important for contemporary debates over Pauline style. Many recent studies have emphasized the possible input of co-authors and the possible freedom of amanuenses, but many scholars still ignore these possibilities and argue for pseudonymity based on style. The argument is common with Ephesians/Colossians, as well as the Pastorals, and also 2 Thessalonians….

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Paul and Pseudepigraphy, ed. Porter and Fewster

I just finished up my review of Paul and Pseudepigraphy (PAST 8). This volume wasn’t quite what I expected. As the editors note, the book is not comprehensive, nor does it solve any issues conclusively. The first section deals with critical/methodological issues, the second deals with debated Pauline letters, and the third with non-canonical pseudepigraphy to focus on reception history rather than authenticity. I was looking for a work that would give a lot of history of research and essays on…

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