
Dead Sea Scrolls Handbook, by Devorah Dimant and Donald Parry

This new handbook from Brill is a unique volume that you may or may not want in your library. Because texts are constantly being edited and readings are being better deciphered, the authors believe such a handbook is not superfluous, but supplements other textual editions already published (xix). There are no translations, commentaries, discussions of dating, or any other….

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Philosophy Before Socrates: An Introduction with Texts and Commentaries, 2nd ed., by Richard D. McKirahan

This work contains the primary texts containing information about the presocratic philosophers, with introductory notes and commentary on the texts. He organizes the material by topic to attempt to present each thinker in an organized fashion. The beauty of this book, as opposed to other “readers,” is that McKirahan presents “most, and in many cases all, of the fragments of the philosophers discussed, as well as other important evidence on their thought” (ix). There are cases where he cannot do this, for example, Hesiod’s Theogony, which is too long for full inclusion….

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Review of BibleWorks 10, Part 2: New Features

Part 1 of this review series looked at BibleWorks 10’s design and interface, highlighting its simplicity but also warning those with high-res devices. This post will focus on BW 10’s new features, some of which are simple but extraordinarily helpful.

One feature I’m excited about is the “Forms” tab. When you hover over a Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic word, the forms tab will show you every form of that word that appears in that textual version….

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Discourse Analysis Annotated Bibliography

Discourse analysis is a sub-discipline within linguistics that is used to analyze discourse at a level larger than the sentence. Before discourse analysis evolved, linguists were concerned primarily with morphemes, words, phrases, and at most, sentences. But linguists in the latter half of the twentieth century began developing tools and theories for analyzing paragraphs, sections, and entire discourses. These discourses may be oral or written, and discourse analysis is intended to handle both mediums of communication….

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