In recent decades, story has become a common tool to use in biblical theology. It has a unique appeal because story is so gripping, and because the story-teller can be selective in the material he or she uses. In this Theology Short, I enjoyed being that subjective selector of the parts of the story where God demonstrates his victorious love to us.

This Theology Shorts series focuses on theological themes, theological issues and debates, and whatever else we want! This video was created for the introduction to a sermon and so it is homiletical in nature. The video traces God’s love for Israel that was always victorious over their enemies and even over God’s idolatrous people themselves through the cross. It also focuses on the victory over the spiritual forces and on the call to victory for God’s people through spiritual warfare.

Please let us know how much you enjoy our Theology Shorts by commenting below. These take a good amount of time and effort, and we’d like to know whether you think they’re worth it!

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