
Breakthroughs in Understanding the Greek Verb

When I finished my first four semesters of Greek, I was enchanted by the language and the way it opened up my understanding of the Bible as a whole. Yet I knew there was still much more to learn than the basic verbal categories in Wallace’s grammar, especially given all the exceptions to his rules. His description of aspect….

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Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics: Open Questions in Current Research, eds. Stanley Porter and D. A. Carson

This volume is important for the development of aspect theory in New Testament Greek and the application of modern linguistics to the New Testament corpus. These lectures were presented at the 1990 and 1991 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in the Consultation on Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics. It was originally published in 1993 in the JSNT Supplement Series, but it has now been republished by Bloomsbury in the Biblical Studies segment of their Academic Collections series….

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