N. T. Wright is one of today’s most well-known and prolific NT scholars. His largest series, Christian Origins and the Question of God, has already seen three installments: The New Testament and the People of God, Jesus and the Victory of God
, and The Resurrection of the Son of God
. Wright originally intended his volume on Paul to be the third volume, but he decided to write a third work on the resurrection since he was criticized for seemingly downplaying the resurrection in his volume on Jesus. Now, his long awaited volume on Paul has been released this month:
Wright, N. T. Paul and the Faithfulness of God. Christian Origins and the Question of God 4. Minneapolis, Minn: Fortress Press, 2013.
The sheer size of this volume, totaling 1700 pages, is impressive. It appears he is building off his previous work, Paul: In Fresh Perspective, since he notes in his preface that the meat of the book is Part 3 (chapters 9-11), in which he argues that Paul transforms the three Jewish theological themes of his day in light of Christ and the Spirit. Such an argument formed the bulk of his previously mentioned work on Paul. Parts 1 and 2 of this new work provide historical, conceptual, and social background for understanding Paul’s theology, while Part 4 is entitled “Paul in History.”
Douglas Moo has already written a review, which can be read online here: http://thegospelcoalition.org/book-reviews/review/paul_and_the_faithfulness_of_god.