Congratulations to Luther Herche, winner of our book giveaway of His Mission: Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. Crossway generously offered to provide one free copy (plus free shipping) to the winner of our giveaway, which we held in conjunction with our review of the new book. If you haven’t seen the book, it’s an excellent set of sermons focused on the person of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel that were preached at the 2013 TGC conference. You can find our review and links to buy the book here.
If you would like to be notified of further book giveaways, please subscribe to our blog in the top of the right sidebar, and follow us @ExegeticalTools or on Facebook ( In fact, we have another book giveaway coming up soon, and soon after that a huge giveaway of Greek resources (5 different winners will receive about $80 worth each), thanks to another generous publisher. See you around!