Book Deals
B&H Academic’s New American Commentary series is still on sale for $2.99 per volume!
The Eerdmans Blog posted an interview with Stanley Porter about his forthcoming book John, His Gospel, and Jesus.
Will Hart Brown posted the September Biblical Studies Carnival. This is a great monthly roundup of the best in the world of biblical studies blogging (otherwise known as “biblioblogging”).
Wayne Coppins published a post on Christoph Markschies in honor of the publication of the latest in the Baylor-Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity series, “Christian Theology and its Institutions in the Early Roman Empire: Prolegomena to a History of Early Christian Theology.”
Mike Bird mentioned some must-reads on the topic of the NT and the imperial cult.
We reviewed Endangered Languages: An Introduction by Sarah Thomason.
New Books
Christ Among the Messiahs: Christ Language in Paul and Messiah Language in Ancient Judaism by Matthew Novenson (Oxford University Press, Paperback edition)
Reading Matthew as the Climactic Fulfillment of the Hebrew Story by Martin C. Spadaro (Wipf & Stock, Kindle edition)
Interpreting Prophetic Literature: Historical and Exegetical Tools for Reading the Prophets by James Nogalski (Westminster John Knox)
Micah by James Luther Mays (Westminster John Knox, Old Testament Library series)
The Paul Debate: Critical Questions for Understanding the Apostle by N. T. Wright (Baylor University Press, Kindle edition)
Keeping the Feast: Metaphors of Sacrifice in 1 Corinthians and Philippians by Jane Lancaster Patterson (SBL Press, Early Christianity and Its Literature series)