Final four principles of preaching

Welcome back! In our previous post, we introduced you to four foundational principles of effective preaching. These come from How to Preach Apocalyptic by Ryan Boys. Now we share the remaining principles that will further enhance your preaching skills and spiritual impact.

5. Marked by Clarity

The sermon should be easily understandable while not being simplistic. This applies especially to the main idea and related sub-points. If people do not understand the main point, something has been missed. Pierre Marcel argued against using technical language or unnecessary theological rabbit trails in sermons.

6. Anchored in the Gospel

The sermon should refer to the gospel and explain how the passage relates to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Does it describe why we need redemption? How we are redeemed? Does it flesh out what it means that we are redeemed or the results of redemption? What relevance does this passage have in showing unbelievers the grace of God? I try to include a call to respond to the gospel in each message for those who may be present and do not yet believe.

7. Aimed at the Affections

The sermon should target the heart, seeking to foster greater love for God, hunger for God, and worship of God. A sermon is not a lecture. The mind may be the gateway to the heart, but merely teaching a text is not the end goal. Jonathan Edwards emphasized this point:

“And the impressing of divine things on the hearts and affections of men, is evidently one great end for which God has ordained, that his word delivered in the Holy Scriptures, should be opened, applied, and set home upon men, in preaching.”

8. Empowered by the Spirit

No matter how well-structured the sermon, if the Spirit of God does not work in the hearts of those who hear, it will not be effective. Francis Grimké said:

“After the most careful and prayerful preparation of a sermon, I am fully persuaded that unless it is used by the Holy Spirit it will accomplish nothing.”

These principles guide preachers towards delivering sermons that are not only theologically sound but also spiritually enriching and deeply impactful. To explore these principles in full and enhance your preaching, get your copy of the book today.

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All of the strategies in How to Preach Apocalyptic are informed by these 8 principles. We hope you’ll grab a copy today and plan your next daring series on apocalyptic literature. You can buy direct (best deal), from, or from Amazon.

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