Christmas Generosity is Upon Us

keep-calm-giveawayPublishers are going crazy giving stuff away for free or for cheap.

Don’t Miss these Posts!

The internet exploded when I. Howard Marshall died Saturday, Dec. 12. We collected a bunch of his tributes here with a nearly-complete list of his books.

We featured a new guide to help you through exegetical issues in John’s Gospel, of which we gave you three as an example. In that same guide, Harris gives an authoritative guide to resources on John’s Gospel.

New Books

The Epistle to the Romans (New International Greek Testament Commentary), by Richard N. Longenecker

Neither Jew nor Greek: A Contested Identity (Christianity in the Making, vol. 3), by James D. G. Dunn

Ruth: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament), by Daniel I. Block

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts: Two-volume set (Oxford Encyclopedias of the Bible), ed. Timothy Beal

The Reality of God and Historical Method: Apocalyptic Theology in Conversation with N. T. Wright (New Explorations in Theology), by Samuel Adams

Royal Apologetic in the Ancient Near East (Writings from the Ancient World Supplement), by Andrew Knapp

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