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“And let us be sure of this: we will not long preserve the gospel without the languages.”
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Meet our team

Todd Scacewater


Todd (PhD) is Assistant Professor of International Studies at Dallas International University.

Cliff Kvidahl

Co-Founder, Fontes Press

Cliff (MTh, SATS) is addicted to Hebrews and building guitar pedals.

Travis Montgomery

Podcast Manager

Travis is a staff member and PhD student at Midwestern Seminary.

William Varner


Will pastors and teaches NT at the Master’s University where he directs IBEX.

Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, 2nd Ed. (A Review)

Published in 1993, the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (DPL1) has become an indispensable resource for all things Pauline. It appeared during the peak of the so-called “New Perspective of Paul” debate, a debate inaugurated by E.P. Sanders’ Paul and Palestinian Judaism, now a landmark study on first-century Judaism. It is no exaggeration to posit that Sanders, along with James Dunn and N.T. Wright initiated a major shift in Christian theology and its relationship with second temple Judaism. The…

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William Varner’s Trilogy on the Messiah Now Complete

Published over the last year and a half, but forged over decades of teaching and research, William Varner has now completed his trilogy on the birth, life, and death of the Messiah. Messiah’s Ministry: Crises of the Christ completes the trilogy – interestingly being the second of the three chronologically. How did that happen? Passionate about the Passion Week Varner was initially inspired to write a book on the Passion Week “for the rest of us,” to help people reimagine what Jesus’ last days…

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