Huge Reformation Book Sale
Limited time, and lots of them…
We’ll e-mail you a weekly Greek paradigm with instruction and translation exercises.
We’ll e-mail you five lessons in difficult Greek texts to push your language skills.
One of the most overlooked references to the new creation, and also to the church’s identity, is in Gal 6:15-16: For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation (καινὴ κτίσις). And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. You can see here that Paul is summarizing his argument in Galatians because he states “neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision.” That claim alludes to…
Big sale here from Zondervan, only lasting a day. Grab them now while they’re cheap.
This Westminster Theological Seminary Ph.D. Candidate is uncovering the literary background of Luke-Acts, and mathematical probability is helping. Don’t worry — no calculator needed!
The New Testament commentary series you probably haven’t heard of, but definitely should.
Enjoy today’s book deals, with a few interesting theology titles and a classic by Lewis.
What do you do when a clause in Greek can be either a statement or question? Here’s a really tricky example.
An authoritative three-volume history of the First World War, covering military, governmental, and social aspects of the war.
All of us would like more time to study Scripture in Greek, Hebrew … English. Do you struggle with making the time as we often do?
When someone makes a big step of faith and asks whether they should be baptized again, how would you respond?