The Eight Pillars of Scholarly Excellence
And how they could help you in local and global ministry.
We’ll e-mail you a weekly Greek paradigm with instruction and translation exercises.
We’ll e-mail you five lessons in difficult Greek texts to push your language skills.
And how they could help you in local and global ministry.
The Gospels don’t have a ‘lower’ Christology than Paul, so why has this claim gained ground? On this episode of Tool Talk, Matthew Barrett of Midwestern Seminary and Credo Magazine discusses his new book, Canon, Covenant, and Christology: Rethinking Jesus and the Scriptures of Israel.
Fresh deals to help you cope with your time at home, at distance, or in quarantine during the COVID crisis.
“Wait,” she thought. “That’s a thanksgiving. I’m not supposed to do that until the end, right? It probably doesn’t matter. But how do I adore God in prayer?”
Prayer life in a rut? Stuck in patterns of asking God for things without feeling like you’re connecting with–or communing with–God?
A biography of giant New Testament scholar George Ladd, filled with lessons for the modern Bible student and scholar.
What does a biblical scholar do? Andreas Köstenberger’s answer is simple, but he has applied it in his own career in a variety of ways.
Köstenberger is a professor at Midwestern Seminary, Director of the Center for Biblical Studies, Founder of Biblical Foundations, Editor of JETS, and a prolific author.
In this episode of Tool Talk, Travis asks Dr. Köstenberger about a range of topics, including his career, his current sense of calling, the nature of biblical theology, scholars he admires, his forthcoming works, what he’s been learning, and Kansas City BBQ.
Grab yourself some early Christmas presents, including some special hard copy deals as well.
Don’t be a Greek jerk, make your points from alternative English translations, but use Greek if absolutely necessary for your sermon.